Frequently Asked Questions


The extensive course offering varies. The biggest part of our offering is Salsa Cubana and Ballroom, which contains different Standard and Latin dances. The rest is a mix of Bachata, Lindy Hop, Tang Argentino and other exotic dances.

In every semester, we offer two course periods with around 6 weeks each and a course period including workshops in summer and winter. The first course period in a semester period begins in the second week after semester start, the second course period starts about 8 weeks into the semester. We’ll try to open registrations a week before courses start. Registrations close a day before the course starts, registrations after this deadline cannot be considered. Make sure you don’t miss out on the registration deadline by liking/following our Instagram page, joining our Whatsapp community or subscribing to our newsletter.

It’s generally perfectly fine to dance in normal streetwear. However, leather soles are recommended for your shoes. Dancing in (clean) socks is also possible.

Additionally we recommend that you wear comfortable trousers or a skirt as you need to move a lot.

Depending on the dance there are either 2, 4 or six levels with exceptions. If you completed all levels of a course but want to learn more we suggest to take a look at the offerings on our partner page.

All our teachers also speak English and consider the languages spoken by everyone. If everyone speaks German, some teachers prefer to teach in German.

In the first half of the semester courses 1, 3 and 5 are usually offered while the second semester half continues with courses 2, 4 and 6. This might be varying from semester to semester depending on course type and demand.

We believe that changing partners is an important aspect of our courses because:

  • Your partner may still be struggling with the new steps, and the next partner has already understood the new step. Or the other way round - so you can help each other.
  • In couple dancing, learning to lead clearly and follow well is essential. Each person is different and these differences enhance your learning experience. 
  • If you always dance with the same person, there is a risk that you will both develop the same tics and never realise it.

Signing Up for Courses

In September 2024, we introduced early sign-up for students to make it easier to continue to the next course level. If you have attended a dance class in the past 180 days, you are eligible for early sign-up to the next level of the same course, regardless of the teacher. Typically, this allows you to sign up one day earlier. If you wish to sign up with a partner, both of you must meet the eligibility criteria.

Individual registrations are welcome! We will try to find a partner for you. Early registrations as well as information about body height increase the chances of our sophisticated matching system finding a partner for you.

Yes, definitely! We only care about lead and follow preferences, not gender.

Our dance classes are directed at students and PhD students of ETH, University and Fachhochschule. Exceptions are made for partners of (PhD) students. Single registrations from non-students will be accepted if possible.

Please send an email to anmeldungen@tanzquotient.org

Once your registration was confirmed by us, we matched you with a partner and you will receive a second email. After the incoming of the second email a cancellation of your registration is not possible any more. However, in well argued cases we do make some exceptions.

If you have absolutely no experience in a higher level course a registration is not feasible (also in your own interest). Please wait until the start of the next semester when the first course starts once more.

Most likely we have not confirmed you yet because the course has too little participants or we don't have a dance partner for you yet: Check out the course description for more details. Ask friends to sign up and tell them to mention you in the comments field so that we can assign them to you.

The deadline is 24 hours before the first lesson. If there are almost enough people we usually delay the start of the course by one week in order to give the course another chance.


Legal & Finances

We offer two ways to pay:

  • Bank transfer
  • Vouchers

For bank transfers, we create QR-Bills that you can scan with your banking app. Note that each course and each participant has a different bill containing a unique identifier that allows us to automatically match your payment.

You can view the payment details for each of your courses at https://tanzquotient.org/profile/courses.

We will send you an email to remind you. If you still do not pay, we will block you from subscribing to further courses and events until you have paid. If there is a problem or question, please contact us at finanzen@tanzquotient.org.

Yes, please transfer the amount (up to 100CHF) to our bank account:

IBAN: CH55 0070 0114 8051 7281 7
Postal account no: 1148-5172.817
Recipient: VSETH Tanzquotient, 8092 Zurich

and send us a payment receipt to kontakt@tanzquotient.org.

We will respond you with a PDF-file containing the coupon code valid for 5 years.

You will automatically receive a new voucher with the excess value.

Yes, as a PhD student you are also eligible for student prices. You can edit your student status in your profile.

Dancing isn't dangerous so normally no harm will come to you, others or objects. In case something does happen after all: insurance is the dancer's responsibility. You are not insured through Tanzquotient.

Getting Involved

Of course! We are always looking for teachers. Contact us at tanzen@tanzquotient.org.